Membership Information and Forms
We are pioneers in legal education for Social Security and SSI claimants’ representatives. We want to assist you in providing the highest quality representation for your clients.
  • We publish a monthly newsletter, the Social Security Forum, to keep you current on developments at the Social Security Administration, in the federal courts, in legal practice, and in federal legislation.
  • We sponsor two national continuing legal education conferences each year.
  • We provide a research clearinghouse for practitioners, including briefs, case citations, memoranda of law, questionnaires, etc.
  • We will assist you with difficult research problems.
  • We alert you to developments in related areas of legal practice.
  • We monitor class actions of national and state-wide scope.
  • We maintain an Office of Governmental Affairs in Washington, DC.
Regular Membership
The annual cost of a regular membership is $200.00 by check and $208.00 by credit card. Regular members receive our newsletter and conference mailings.

Sustaining Membership
The annual cost of a sustaining member is $375.00 by check and $390.00 by credit card. In addition to receiving our newsletter and conference mailings by first class mail, sustaining members:

  • receive their newsletter via email.
  • are listed twice each year in our newsletter, and
  • are entitled to a 20% discount on conference registrations.
Ethics Requirement
All members must attend at least one hour of Continuing Legal Education program on ethics annually. If you haven’t attended such a program, we will mail you materials at no charge.

If you are ready to join NOSSCR, or if you wish to participate in our lawyer referral service for NOSSCR members, follow these links for the required forms:

red arrow NOSSCR Main Office

560 Sylvan Ave, Suite 2200
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632

